Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hope is not a strategy!

The Art or Science of Teaching - A 7-3 Initiative!
Do these notes look simple or advanced?  Easy to follow or a challenge to execute?
“Hope is not a strategy!”  One of my favorite take-away points from the Effective Schools Conference http://www.effectiveschools.com/  *

Strategies range from simple to complex.  Simple strategies are easy to remember, execute and duplicate for consistent and reliable results.  Often times they begin with a plan or program or idea but follow through is done by the teacher, parent or care-giver.  Nothing is automatic!  Nothing happens without energy or input from the instructor.  This energy expended combines the art and science of teaching.  Understanding the audience, then preparing to serve them with appropriate interventions demonstrates mastery and competence when addressing students. 

Implementation of simple strategies forms the basis of habits, patterns and education!  When the motivation shifts from extrinsic to intrinsic, simple strategies form the foundation or scaffold necessary to build deeper and increasingly more abstract thoughts. (think DOK level 3 or 4)  #DOK

We are beginning a staff designed program titled the 7/3 Initiative.  To respond to the CCSS and DOK wave, the model is to read for 7 sustained minutes in the content area and reflect for 3 minutes.  During the reading, students are to identify questions, important points like facts, and new things.  For the three minutes of reflection, writing, shoulder partner discussion or class discussion allows deeper and immediate feedback to the reader.  For example spontaneous combustion was a hit in 7th science class. (SO to JD)
Implementation of a simple strategy is better than the attempt to implement an detailed strategy with challenges from accountability to measurability to effectiveness.  A simple strategy like this is also far better than hope!

#cantwaitforthemap  #onthemap

*Quote from the Effective Schools Conference, March 2012, Scottsdale AZ


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