Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Building Champions: Part 3 of 4

After spending a few days at Tan Tar A in on Lake Ozark Missouri, a renewed energy and focus has boosted my enthusiasm once again. Hearing many motivational and educational speakers cast vision, lead and share with passion verifies that things will continue to improve at Winfield School District. I have noticed during our discussions of championships, these 4 components seem to encompass just about every other feature or characteristic brought up.

The first was the establishment of a worthy goal; the second, a unique plan. Today we are examining the third component:  Perfect adherence to that plan.  We do not consider shortcuts, easy way outs or doing just enough to get by, ever sufficient for a champion.  This means we must follow our unique plan perfectly.  The adage about practice makes perfect is false.  Only perfect practice makes perfect.  For instance, we could do the problem wrong or miss the shot but that would not get us closer to our goal.  Consider Van Gogh, who painted over 900 paintings, and actually painted over some.  Modern technology has confirmed the existence of paintings hidden other paintings!  Our shots must be perfect and our practice perfect but our failures should not be penalized.  Attempts and the learning curve is part of the perfection process.
Another adage, overnight success takes five years also falls under the umbrella of championships.  Case study after case study of people like Tiger, Larry Bird, Bill Gates and others mentioned in Malcolm Gladwells Outliers,  @Malcgladwell verifies the rule of 10,000.  For example, given a 40 hour week, 50 weeks a year, thus 2000 hours a year, we see that five years produces about 10,000 hours of practice.  Therefore overnight success really does take five years.  Thus, we must measure our progress with a calendar and not a watch. Building a dynasty takes time, focus and a plan.  We have discussed these 3 and are ready for the fourth to follow soon.

Finally, we see our practice must cause us to sacrifice other things in our lives as well.  Once our quest to reach a goal becomes our major focus, we often put other interest to the side and do the thing that supplies the greatest return.  In real-estate, they call it the highest and best use of a piece of property.  As champions, we consider our highest and best use as we improve and focus on our true goal.  As students, we study, as teachers we teach, and as leaders we lead.  What does that mean and how does that look is personal and individual for each one of us. 

For this champion, it means allowing her creativity to flow unencumbered through a Prezi and her particpation in SW-PBIS and the great way she built champions at our school.

What is your highest and best use?

Do you focus on your most productive activity or do you allow yourself to be distracted?

How long are you willing to sacrifice to reach your goal?

Our final message in this series will refer to the last and major component necessary to build, create or duplicate a champion.

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